Saturday, May 4, 2013



Lewis S.Robinson started the center and it opened in 1993 with a population of three bears.  It was intended to provide a sanctuary for bears that had to removed from the wild because they had either become too familiar with or aggressive toward people.

1995 saw the center sold to Ogden Entertainment, a New York based enterprise.  This company added a wolf exhibit with ten captive-born wolves.  In 1999 Ogden Entertainment decided to close the center if a buyer could not be found.  The three long-term managers of the center formed a non-profit corporation and successfully purchased the center.  They made an agreement with the National Park Service for them to hold some of their educational programs at the center.  They also entered into an agreement with the Forest Service to test some of their bear resistant containers.

In 2001 the center was accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums.

In 2007 work was started on the River Valley Wolf Habitat and Naturalist Cabin with opened in 2009.

Future plans for the center include the addition of a  a new bear exhibit.  This will allow the center to rescue even more bears.

In future postings on this site, you will be meeting each of the bears that are currently residing in the center.

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